<b>warning(s):</b> none
<b>title:</b> the horror of our love
<b>summary:</b> try not to die
<b>link(s):</b> [[here|start game]]
<b>credit(s):</b> [[here|the credits]]
<b>character(s):</b> none(display: "the map")<b>coder(s):</b> babybuddha
<b>maker(s):</b> babybuddha
<b>tester(s):</b> babybuddha
<b>writer(s):</b> babybuddha
[[go back|main menu]]you can either go [[upstairs|the upstairs]], [[downstairs|the downstairs]], or into one of the other rooms like the [[kitchen|the kitchen]], the [[dining room|the dining room]], the [[living room|the living room]], and the [[garage|the garage]].you can either hide in the [[bedroom|the bedroom]], the [[bathroom|the bathroom]], a [[study room|the study room]], and the [[attic|the attic]].
or you can hide somewhere else like [[downstairs|start game]] for example. you can either hide in the [[basement|the basement]], the [[library|the library]], the [[entertainment room|the entertainment room]], and the [[bar|the bar]].
or you can hide somewhere else like [[upstairs|start game]] for example. you find yourself alone in the kitchen.
(display: "the map")you find yourself alone in the dining room.
(display: "the map")(set: $event to (random: 1, 2))\
(if: $event is 1)[you find yourself alone in the living room.
(display: "the map")]\
\(elseif: $event is 2)[you find yourself being stabbed to death by the murderer.
[[the end|the credits]].]you find yourself alone in the garage.
(display: "the map")you find yourself alone in the bedroom.
(display: "the upstairs")you find yourself alone in the bathroom.
(display: "the upstairs")you find yourself alone in the study room.
(display: "the upstairs")(set: $event to (random: 1, 2))\
(if: $event is 1)[you find yourself alone in the attic.
(display: "the upstairs")]\
\(elseif: $event is 2)[you find yourself being stabbed to death by the murderer.
[[the end|the credits]].]you find yourself alone in the basement.
(display: "the downstairs")you find yourself alone in the library.
(display: "the downstairs")(set: $event to (random: 1, 2))\
(if: $event is 1)[you find yourself alone in the entertainment room.
(display: "the downstairs")]\
\(elseif: $event is 2)[you find yourself being stabbed to death by the murderer.
[[the end|the credits]].]you find yourself alone in the bar.
(display: "the downstairs")